5. SSH

SSH, the Secure SHell is a program which enables you to connect to another computer to run commands in a terminal. Other programs can also run over the SSH connection, so SSH can also be used for tasks like copying files between computers or to enable Visual Studio Code to open files located on a different computer.

5.1. Installing SSH on Windows

Windows doesn’t come with SSH installed, but it does come with the Windows installation of Git. So if you have installed Git then you will have ssh installed.

Alternatively, you can install SSH by opening Powershell and typing:

> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client*

5.2. SSH on Mac

All recent versions of MacOS come with ssh installed.

5.3. SSH on Linux or Chrome OS 1

SSH is usually installed on Linux machines by default. In the unlikely event that it’s not installed, it will be available using your distribution’s package manager. For example on Ubuntu and related distributions, you would type:

$ sudo apt install ssh-client



To use these installation instructions for Chrome OS you first need to set up Linux on your Chromebook.