1. Python

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language used in many modules with a numerical computing component. There are several ways to install Python on your computer, but most modules will assume that you are using the Anaconda distribution, so that’s the one whose installation we primarily document here. If you have another Python 3 distribution installed, then this is likely to work, however your mechanism for installing additional Python packages may not be the same as that documented in the lecture materials, so you may have to sort that out for yourself.

1.1. Python 2 and Python 3

Python has just completed a decade-long major version transition from Python 2 to Python 3. As of 1 January 2020 Python 2 is officially unsupported, even for critical security updates. The instructions here are for the installation of Python 3. Don’t try to use Python 2 for your work as it is unsupported and increasingly likely to have breakages which won’t be fixed.

1.2. Installing Python in Windows

You can obtain Anaconda using the Anaconda Windows installation site. Simply follow the instructions there to download and run the installer.

1.3. Installing Python on Mac

1.3.1. Homebrew install Anaconda

If you’ve installed Homebrew for Mac then you can install Anaconda by to opening a terminal and run the following command:

$ brew cask install anaconda

When asked, enter your Mac password. On this occasion we’re not quite done because Homebrew is quite conservative about installing a new Python over another one you might have installed. We’re going to need to tell the terminal that we want Anaconda to be our default Python.

The way we do this depends slightly on which command line program (or “shell”) we are using. The default on recent MacOS is zsh, but if you’ve been using MacOS for a while and haven’t changed, you might be using bash. Just to be on the safe side, we’ll run both commands. If you know for sure which shell you are using, then you can just run the appropriate one. If you’re not sure, run both:

$ echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Then close the terminal and open a new one to make sure the changes have taken effect. Run the following command to check that Anaconda is working properly:

$ conda --version
conda 4.8.3

Don’t worry if the version you see installed is not the same as that listed here.

1.3.2. Download and install Anaconda

You can also install Anaconda on your Mac by downloading the Anaconda installer and installing it yourself. This is documented on the Anaconda MacOS installation website.

1.3.3. Homebrew Python

An alternative to using Anaconda is to install Python directly using Homebrew. Simply run:

$ brew install python

This will automatically ensure that the command python3 points to the correct Python installation, however the Python package installation mechanism won’t be the Anaconda one. Instead you will use Python’s standard package installer pip. For example if you need to install numpy and matplotlib (the core numerical computing and plotting packages), as well as support for Jupyter notebook, you would run:

$ python3 -m pip install numpy matplotlib jupyter


MacOS also comes with Python pre-installed. However this is a very cut-down version which is really only intended for internal use by the operating system. You should install a fully-featured Python (i.e. Anaconda or Homebrew).

1.4. Installing Python on Linux or Chrome OS 1

Every Linux distribution includes a fully-featured Python, and this might well be enough for your needs. However if you would prefer to have the same Python distribution as most of your classmates, then there are instructions for installing Anaconda on the Anaconda Linux install website.

1.4.1. Installing Python packages on Linux

If you’re using the system-installed Python, as opposed to Anaconda, then you should use the Python package manager pip to install any additional packages that you need. There are a couple of issues with this of which you should be aware. First, not all Linux distributions install pip by default, often you need to install an additional package called something like python-pip. For example, on Ubuntu you would run:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

In some cases, it can become confusing which version of Python a particular pip installation belongs to. This can be avoided by always invoking pip using python3 -m pip rather than just typing pip or pip3.

While on Fedora and related distributions, you would run:

$ sudo dnf install python-pip

It’s also possible to install quite a lot of Python packages using the Linux package manager in a similar way. However, you will probably want to install at least some packages using pip. For example if you wanted to install Jupyter you would type:

$ python3 -m pip install --user jupyter

The --user option tells pip to just install for the current user. This is preferable to using sudo and to install packages globally, as it removes any risk of interfering with packages that the operating system needs.

1.5. Python Virtual Environments

Before we move on to actually installing packages, we need to give a little thought to where the packages are to be installed. We could simply install packages into the Python installation on our computer. This can be a reasonable approach if all you want to do is run code from the default versions of public packages. However, it has a number of limitations. Basically, a Python installation is a single namespace for packages, so if two different projects you are working on need two different versions of the same package, you’re out of luck. Similarly, if you are working on changes to a package, you probably don’t want your half-finished experimental work to be the package that your other projects use.

Python virtual environments, or venvs, are separate namespaces within a Python installation. They have their own Python command and collection of packages. Effectively they behave like their own separate Python installation, except that most of the core Python files are shared, so a venv takes rather little additional space.

1.5.1. Creating a venv

The most straightforward way to create a venv is on the terminal command line, not from within Python itself. This is accomplished using Python’s venv package. For example, to create a venv called my_venv on Windows, you would type:

> py -m venv my_venv

while on Mac or Linux you would type:

$ python3 -m venv my_venv

Don’t forget that the $ stands for the command prompt: you don’t type it. This command will create the folder my_venv and various subfolders containing things like the Python program itself and space for any packages which you install in the venv. If there was already a file or folder called my_venv in the current folder then you’ll get an error, so make sure you choose a new name.

A venv doesn’t usually contain any particularly valuable data, so you should regard them as essentially disposable. In particular, if something goes wrong when creating a venv, just delete it and start again. In the bash or zsh shells you would type:

$ rm -rf my_venv


rm -rf will delete its argument and all its subdirectories without further prompts or warnings. There is no undo operation. Be very careful about what you delete.

1.5.2. Using a venv

If you run Python from the terminal, then the simplest way to use the venv is to source its activate script. If using bash or zsh on Mac or Linux you would type:

$ source my_venv/bin/activate

while using bash on Windows you would type:

$ source my_venv/Scripts/activate

If using PowerShell on Windows then you type:

> .\my_venv\Scripts\activate.ps1

Obviously, you would use the folder name of your venv instead of my_venv. In either case, your command prompt will change to indicate that you are now using the venv. It might look something like:

(my_venv) $

Any subsequent invocations of Python commands such as python3 will now use the version from the venv, with access to whatever packages you have installed in that venv. If you are using a terminal shell other than bash or zsh, then see the venv package documentation for the correct activation command.


The default permissions settings on your Windows computer may not permit you to run the activation script. This can be fixed by running:

> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

For further information, see the official Python venv documentation.


Venv activation is just for one terminal session. You need to activate the venv every time you open a new terminal. If you find that Python can’t find your packages or tests, then the first thing to check is whether you remembered to activate the venv.

1.5.3. Installing packages in a venv

When the venv is active, the pip installing packages will use the pip from the venv, and the packages will be installed in the venv and not globally. For example if you needed Numpy and Matplotlib, you would type the following in the terminal:

(my_venv) $ python -m pip install numpy matplotlib

1.7. Using Visual Studio Code with Python

Visual Studio Code provides excellent support for editing and debugging Python, both plain Python files and Jupyter Notebooks. Visual Studio Code also supports Python virtual environments, and revision control in Git.

1.7.1. Opening your Python project as a workspace

We’ll assume here that you’ve set up your Python folder structure as we recommended above. One of the reasons for choosing that folder structure is that it works well with Visual Studio Code. Having installed Visual Studio Code, and launched it, you should see a screen like this:


Click on Open folder... and select the module folder from the dialog (in the case above, the folder principles_of_programming). You should see a screen somewhat like this:


1.7.2. Running a Python file

Click on the little arrow > next to exercise_1 and then click hello.py to open it. If this is the first time you’ve opened a Python file in Visual Studio code, it may prompt you to install the Python extension, and you should agree. It might also prompt you to install a Python linter, which is a program which checks your code against the Python style rules. You should agree to that too. The result should look something like the following:


There are two important things to note here. The first is the text at the bottom Python 3.8.5 64-bit ('PoP_venv':venv). This shows us which Python installation Visual Studio Code is using, and in particular that it’s found our PoP_venv virtual environment. Visual Studio will automatically find a virtual environment that is in the folder you open, which is one of the reasons for our folder layout. The other important feature is the green triangle at the top right. Clicking on this will open a terminal and run this code:


Looking at the bottom left, we can see that Visual Studio Code has opened a terminal, activated the virtual environment, and then run Python on our file hello.py. The result is the text Hello World! printed out.

1.7.3. Opening a Jupyter notebook

If we instead click on hello.ipynb then this Jupyter notebook will open. You might be asked whether to trust the notebook, and you should agree. The result will be something like this:


If you’re used to Jupyter notebooks opening in your web browser, then this may look a bit strange, but it’s actually just the same interface, albeit in slightly unfamiliar colours. Clicking on the green triangle, or clicking in the code box and pressing shift + enter will run the code:




To use these installation instructions for Chrome OS you first need to set up Linux on your Chromebook.